jupyter notebook打开后一直显示connecting to kernel
[I 20:26:19.826 NotebookApp] JupyterLab extension loaded from E:\anaconda\lib\site-packages\jupyterlab
[I 20:26:19.826 NotebookApp] JupyterLab application directory is E:\anaconda\share\jupyter\lab
[I 20:26:19.828 NotebookApp] Serving notebooks from local directory: C:\Users\86152
[I 20:26:19.828 NotebookApp] The Jupyter Notebook is running at:
[I 20:26:19.828 NotebookApp] http://localhost:8888/?token=25ccc4964d3943ed413968ce0a295c0b...
[I 20:26:19.828 NotebookApp] Use Control-C to stop this server and shut down all kernels (twice to skip confirmation).
[C 20:26:19.851 NotebookApp]
Copy/paste this URL into your browser when you connect for the first time,
to login with a token:
[I 20:26:20.028 NotebookApp] Accepting one-time-token-authenticated connection from ::1
E:\anaconda\lib\json\encoder.py:257: UserWarning: date_default is deprecated since jupyter_client 7.0.0. Use jupyter_client.jsonutil.json_default.
return _iterencode(o, 0)
[I 20:26:41.323 NotebookApp] Creating new notebook in
E:\anaconda\lib\json\encoder.py:257: UserWarning: date_default is deprecated since jupyter_client 7.0.0. Use jupyter_client.jsonutil.json_default.
return _iterencode(o, 0)
[I 20:26:42.441 NotebookApp] Kernel started: 426c41b4-1f1d-4aa8-8986-252f95f398e8
[I 20:26:42.970 NotebookApp] Adapting to protocol v5.1 for kernel 426c41b4-1f1d-4aa8-8986-252f95f398e8
E:\anaconda\lib\site-packages\notebook\base\zmqhandlers.py:284: RuntimeWarning: coroutine 'WebSocketHandler.get' was never awaited
super(AuthenticatedZMQStreamHandler, self).get(args, *kwargs)
[W 20:26:43.977 NotebookApp] Replacing stale connection: 426c41b4-1f1d-4aa8-8986-252f95f398e8:88c31101a6c240db839ef123718400b0
[I 20:28:43.201 NotebookApp] Saving file at /Untitled20.ipynb
E:\anaconda\lib\site-packages\nbformat\__init__.py:129: MissingIDFieldWarning: Code cell is missing an id field, this will become a hard error in future nbformat versions. You may want to use normalize()
on your notebooks before validations (available since nbformat 5.1.4). Previous versions of nbformat are fixing this issue transparently, and will stop doing so in the future.
E:\anaconda\lib\site-packages\notebook\services\contents\manager.py:351: MissingIDFieldWarning: Code cell is missing an id field, this will become a hard error in future nbformat versions. You may want to use normalize()
on your notebooks before validations (available since nbformat 5.1.4). Previous versions of nbformat are fixing this issue transparently, and will stop doing so in the future.
重启 Jupyter Notebook 服务:
然后按 Y
确认)。检查并更新 Jupyter 相关包:
你已经提到更新了 Jupyter,但确保所有相关的包(如 jupyterlab
, jupyter_client
, nbformat
pip install --upgrade notebook jupyterlab jupyter_client nbformat
或者如果你使用的是 Anaconda,可以使用:
conda update notebook jupyterlab jupyter_client nbformat
date_default is deprecated
和 coroutine 'WebSocketHandler.get' was never awaited
查看 Jupyter Notebook 的配置文件:
如果以上方法都不能解决问题,可能需要更深入地检查具体的错误日志或系统配置,或者考虑在 Jupyter 社区论坛、Stack Overflow 等平台寻求更专业的帮助。
我是react新手,正在使用react引导。我有一个完美工作的react应用程序,有两个组件,我使用的是功能组件。这是代码。 应用程序。js MyVerticallycenteremodal。js 在这个阶段,我的代码工作正常。但是我需要做一些改变。我需要从MyVerticallyCenteredModal组件中删除show和onHide道具,并从Modal组件中访问道具。这是我所做的, 应用程序
前端上传文件一直报错,后端显示读文件出问题,刚进函数在绑定参数的时候就出了问题返回了 明明都能打印出来但文件就是上传不上去,服务器会报错 400 {"msg": "multipart: NextPart: EOF", "code": 40日, "data": null} 400 {"msg": "multipart: NextPart: EOF","code": 400, "data": null
编程计算图形的面积。 程序可以计算圆形、长方形、正方形的面积,运行时先输入图形的类型(1表示圆形、2表示长方形、3表示正方形),然后,判断用户输入图形的类型,对圆形输入半径,对长方形输入长和宽,对正方形输入边长, 以上参数的数据类型均为整型。 计算面积后将其显示出来,要求结果保留两位小数,PI设为3.14即可。 输入分为两部分,第一个数字是 1 表示圆形,2 表示矩形,3 表示正方形,然后是计算面
webpack5 打包时候会报几个这种问题,怎么解决
1.手机翻转,或者折叠屏该怎么监听然后动态重新渲染echarts,需要加防抖或者节流吗? 2.横向条形图,左右两边的label怎么永远出现在可视范围内?比如148.00就已经飘出去了,看不全,还有左侧还有很多留白区域,不够美观 3.饼图中间的title的text和subtext能响应式的改变字体大小吗?像这种情况,字体完全超出了饼图范围